Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012


Where one word stands out above the rest: Wirkung. It is everywhere, like the Urgesetz (Beauty) he speaks of, active in every Satzglied, in every clause -- even sentences have 'members', like bodies, that work together and interact (aufeinander- und zusammenwirken) harmoniously (that is key!). A sentence is a translation of the physical, then. Or rather, when written, when spoken, into the physical, it is worked in.  It refers back to and comes out of it,  -- ἀναστόμωσις, like the delta of a river whose branches curl out and curve back in upon themselves, crooked but majestic. Structure, organisation, organs. Am I simply reading/writing Büchner as a Heideggerian? I cannot yet see the organisation of these thoughts. 

Translation is really (wirklich!) tortuous work.

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